
This program ROCKS! I knew I needed to step up my cardio to the max and thats exactly what Insanity did! The first day I did it I seriously almost threw up! It was killer! It starts off with a fit test on day one. It will truthfully show you exactly where you currently are and every two weeks you test again you see how much you've improved. Before you Buy Insanity DVDs know that I found as I started doing Insanity I noticed a few things you should have before starting. These are all options, but I found them to help a whole lot!  


Insanity is an advanced program. If you are not currently working out 5 days a week pretty intensely then I highly suggest you don't start with Insanity. There are many other programs for beginners that will get you the results you want just as much as Insanity, but you are less likely to burn out or injure yourself! ( plus they cost I would make a bad saleswoman! hah!)

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