Thursday, November 1, 2012

When Is The Best Time To Start A Workout

When Should I Start A New Workout Routine?

"I'll start on monday." Yes thats the quote I hear ALL the time. But the truth is when monday rolls around something always comes up. Either it's family, an event, no time, not feeling well or just some thing unexpected, your workout gets taken off your priority list in a flash and you find yourself saying..."I'll start on monday."

...So when IS the best time to start a new workout routine? Personally I say RIGHT NOW!

If you think about it what does one workout really take? 30 minutes? Maybe an hour? WHat could you take OFF your priority list TODAY and replace with a workout? Leave those dishes in the sink till tomorrow, don't call back friends just yet, Tivo your show and watch it another time. These are just a few of the things you can replace with a workout. Think of it as setting your HAPPINESS as a priority. If you watch your show but dont workout, how will you feel after? Now switch it and if you workout but dont watch your show, how will you feel after?...You get the picture.

Now working out isn't the only thing to get you a healthy happy body and have you on your way to the weight loss or muscle gain you want. You also need to clean up your nutrition. When is the next time you go grocery shopping? Take ten minutes TODAY and write out your meals for the week following your next time you go shopping. That way when you go you can get everything you need to start eating right afterwards. Now I'm NOT saying to go on a binge right now and eat tons of junk food simply because you squeezed in a workout! Just eat what you have in your house and mentaly prepare yourself for the change to come.

The biggest problem is that people tend to make the start of their weight loss journey a BIG event! Thats really just setting yourself up for an event that cant happen right now but you say will happen "tomorrow". Problem is that tomorrow is never "today."

 Weight Loss & Health Is A Life Change, Not An Overnight Change!

Think of this an slowly changing your habits and remind yourself that you are going to do this the REST OF YOUR LIFE. It's not about JUST hitting a goal. It's about KEEPING it.

So STOP what you're doing and set up a VERY IMPORTANT MEETING TODAY ( thats called your workout hour) and DONT MISS IT! No better time than right now!

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