Stay Committed To Your Workout Plan:
Stop. Start. Stop Again. Start AGAIN! Grrrr!
When you've failed a workout routine more times than you can count, how the heck are you supposed to make sure you don't quit THIS time around?!
Examine what went wrong the last time
Yes yes I know you're mad that you stopped the last time and the time before but what went wrong?? Look over your last weight loss & health journey with a fine tooth comb. What stood in your way from success and how can you AVOID that this time around?
Common Factor/How To Avoid It:
1)"I ran out of time today"
- Schedule your workout like an important meeting
- Tell your family and friends what time the "meeting" is and you cant miss it
- Turn off your phone
2) "I don't feel well today" " I might be getting sick"
- Take the workout easy but DO IT! Just give it 75% effort.
- Just going through the daily motions will reinforce the habit. Often times you get energy after a couple minutes into it and feel much better after.
- Still keep your eating clean. Unless you're vomiting then you have no excuse it eat crackers and soda.
3) "I'll do it tomorrow"
- What you do today determines your week. Week determines your month and months to year.
- A late night workout is better than no workout. Squeeze it in!
4) " One bite wont hurt"
- That one bite becomes a meal! That meal becomes a day!!
- Take a moment and count down from your current weight to your goal weight. Do you STILL want that bite?
5) "I'll start all over again on Monday"
-STOP whatever you are doing and workout right there for at least 15 minutes. This will jog your memory with positive thoughts.
-If you wait till monday that little hiccup will become many days worth.
-What will stop you from "starting all over" AGAIN!!!??/
ALWAYS keep written down your reason WHY you started this journey in the first place! THAT is your TRUE motivator to keep you going.
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